
Once a part of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which was founded in the 1993-1994 Academic Year, our faculty was established as per the decree in the Official Gazette no. 5868, issued on July 26, 2022. After the discontinuation of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences by the mentioned decision, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Sciences were founded instead.

The faculty comprises ten programs, namely Archaeology, Art History, Eastern Languages and Literatures, Geography, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Turkish Language and Literature, and Western Languages and Literatures. Seven programs incorporate daytime classes, while three offer both daytime and evening education.

In our faculty, the students have benefitted from the double major and minor education programs since 2008. Additionally, they can also avail themselves of domestic and international exchange programs.

Our faculty building, located on Terzioğlu Campus, embodies 41 classrooms, 21 of which are tech-equipped, and three computer laboratories. In addition, the departments Geography, Archaeology, and Art History have their own research and student labs. The departmental library of the Department of Art History and the Turkish-Australian Cultural Centre are at our students' service.